School Commission
The St. Isaac Jogues School Commission is a consultative body that serves various roles to execute the vision of the school administration while working in unison with our pastor and school leadership. The School Commission is comprised of representatives from school administration and parents of SIJ students. The Commission meets monthly to review priorities and actives of the various subcommittees. To have an issue considered for inclusion on the Commission agenda, write a detailed description and submit it to the school Principal or the President of the School Commission at least 10 days prior to a scheduled meeting.
School Commission members serve a 3 school year term, must be Catholic, an active parishioner of St. Isaac Jogues and have at least one child enrolled at Saint Isaac Jogues Parish School. If you would like to be considered for the School Commission for the next school year, please fill out an application and submit to the school office. Applications can be downloaded by selecting the “Download Application” to the right |