St. Isaac's production of Into the Woods JR. was a success with three performances at Nazareth Academy. The students brought the story to life with delightful numbers such as "I Know Things Now," "On the Steps of the Palace, " and "Giants in the Sky." The student crew painted the set pieces and ran stage crew, lights, and sound under the guidance of Ms. Martin and Mr. Jeff Nowicki (set designer). In addition, students learned blocking with Ms. Senick, choreography with Ms. Riker, and music with Mr. Bromann. Overall, the musical was a great experience for SIJ fifth through eighth grade students, and the theme of family was at the heart of the production.
Congratulations to all of our students who have worked diligently and represented themselves and SIJ with excellence! Also, thank you to the multitude of parents who invested time and effort to drive and/or judge at the SIJ and Regional Science Fairs.
We are very proud of our students and the following results:
SIJ students in seventh and eighth grades traveled by bus to Aurora to volunteer at Feed My Starving Children (a Christian non-profit organization) committed to feeding God's children hungry in body and spirit. The student volunteers hand-pack meals specially formulated for malnourished children. Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) sends the meals to partners around the world where kids are fed and lives are saved!. With the help of teachers and parent volunteers, the students worked alongside their class-mates and packed 131 boxes of food. This will feed 78 children for an entire year.
PreK4 and 3rd grade students participated in the STEM Balloons Over Broadway Macy's Parade! The students learned about the engineering process of how the balloons used in the parade were created. Students planned and built a balloon of their own to have in the class parades. Third grade students used robots to pull their floats.
The second graders learned about the different engineering aspects of a playground. They planned, designed, and built a playground that everyone could use. They presented and shared with their class why their playground should be chosen for a pretend subdivision. Congratulations to all our budding scientists who participated in the K-4th Grade Science Fair sponsored by the PSA on April 7th. We had a total of 42 projects with 85 students participating. Our kindergarten through 4th grade students worked with the scientific method to create amazing exhibits like “Dancing Popcorn,” “Gummy Bear Growth,” “What Makes the Rocket Fly,” “Fun with Water Density,'” and “For Whom the Ball Rolls.” Mrs. Farley, our STEM Instructor, created the “Interactive Zone” where parents and students could participate in STEM activities. Thank you to Mrs. Amanda Burdi and Mrs. Jill McDonald for organizing this event, to Mrs. Farley for all her work creating hands-on STEM activities, and to all the SIJ families for supporting this venture into science!
Regional Science Fair Results for St. Isaac Jogues School
Riley K. - Gold- Best in Category of Biochemistry Julia C. - Gold -Best in Category of Health Science Abigail G. - Gold- Best in Category of Environmental Science Anika O. - Gold- Best in Category of Behavioral Science Matthew K. - Gold- Best in Category of Electronics Liam C. - Gold- Best in Category of Chemistry Joe S. - Gold- Best in Category of Botany Caroline S. - Gold Ruslan H. - Gold Lukas J. - Gold Mairin S. - Gold- Best in Category of Physics James S. - Gold- Best in Category of Engineering Liliana P. - Gold - Best in Category of Zoology Aly G. - Gold AND Best Artistic Brennon H. - Gold AND Best Artistic Ava K. - Gold Max B. - Gold Packey M. - Gold Aleksia N. - Gold Jack Q. - Silver All Gold Medalists have earned the opportunity to advance to the State Science Fair in Peoria this April. Congratulations to all our 7th and 8th grade students and Mrs. Annamarie Boyle for all their hard work! The fifth through eighth grade SIJ musical students performed Mary Poppins JR. at Nazareth Academy February 25th- 27th led by Ms. Jackie Martin, Ms. Bernadette Senick, Ms. Lindsey Riker, and Mr. Peter Bromann. The cast members have worked on characterization, dancing, singing, and acting while the crew members spent the last few months designing and painting the set pieces and props. The performances were a culmination of cast and crew students working side-by-side to give audiences a live musical theatre experience. Congratulations to the musical students and staff on a magical run!
All St. Isaac Jogues 7th and 8th grade students participated in the annual SIJ Junior High Science Fair on Thursday, January 13th. The students have diligently worked cross-curricularly in Science and Language Arts in order to complete a major research paper and detailed lab reports focused upon a scientific experiment. Students have practiced the important skills of researching, note taking, writing of citations and reference lists, conducting scientific method, calculating statistical analysis, developing data tables and graphs, and public speaking by presenting the project results to peers and science fair judges. In addition to increasing these skills needed in higher education, students also had the opportunity to practice imperative life skills of time management, planning,and analysis. A great variety of topics were studied during this process; a sample of topics included aeronautics, biochemistry, electronics, environmental science, microbiology, and physics. Some specific projects studied the comparison of alternative ice melting techniques in terms of its melting time and conductivity; how the Bionix ShotBlocker Affects Pain in Routine Childhood Immunizations; the effects of the denaturing of enzymes: and the effect of exercise on academic performance. We are very proud of all our students for their commitment to their projects! SIJ is a member of the Illinois Junior Science Association and will compete with students from all over the state at the upcoming Regional and State Science Fairs. The students who earned the privilege to compete at the Regional Science Fair include: Jack Q., Quinn R., Brennan H., James S., Packey M., Liliana P., Chase B., Marin S., Sean R., Aleksia N., Abigail G., Julia C., Joe S., Lukas J., Caroline S., Riley K., Liam C., Ruslan H., Oresta H., Anika O., and Matthew K.